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Alias analysis of several commonly used commands

Friday on April 3rd, 2020Net Web

Alias ??several common analytical records for confirmation digital model of analysis is very useful

Contact Analysis (contact analysis), triangulation (triangulation)

Pedestrian Protection (pedestrian protection), Impact Zone (impact area)

Deviation Map (FIG deviation), Ramp Distance (offset distance), Absolute Value Ramp (from absolute value), Use Bands (using a strip, the strip)

check model


Check the rational geometry.


Periodically checked (closed) objects.

Multiple Trim Regions

Use this checklist to find a single trimmed surface as multiple copies of different surfaces of objects, these objects may make copies of some CAD packages chaos.

Multiple Knots

Check node redundant (located in a plurality of edit points in space at the same point, to create a sharp corner in a curve or surface).

Internal Tangent Discontinuity

Since the report is generated redundant node tangential discontinuity in an object.

Non-Planar Curves

Check non-planar curve. This option appears only when the "Check" is set to "Curves" or "Both".

Recommended product data quality checks

Duplicate Geometry

Off - no checks are performed to duplicate or embedded geometry.

Copies - checking for complete copies of each other curves or surfaces. Copy contains the same CV, nodes and order. If the "Report" is set to "All", will be in the report window "Copies" column in the original object identified as "Original".

Duplicates Within Tolerance - a copy of the mutual check "Duplicate Tolerance" field of a given tolerance range, or other embedded or surface profile curve or surface.

Duplicate Tolerance

This field is displayed when the "Duplicate Geometry" is set to "Duplicates Within Tolerance". The distance between each other smaller than this report distance curve or surface.

Short edges

Check the length is less than the distance specified in the text field of the sides (including through the trimmed edges). This check is also find close chamfered surface, but sufficiently close (in the topological distance which falls outside the maximum gap distance) in the case of the T-connector.

Tiny Spans

Check curves or surfaces satisfying the following conditions: the internal span/isoparm configuration results in span length (or subdivision surface opposite to the surface sheet in two directions segment length) less than the specified tolerance distance in the text field.

Indistinct Knots

Check the following conditions are met curves or surfaces: compared with the tolerance specified in the text field, the internal span/isoparm configuration results in parameter values ??closer node.


This check does not report have been checked individually for its plurality of nodes (see "Multiple Knots").

Minimum Radius of Curvature

Report of a radius of curvature less than the curved surface of the user-defined value. Report on the minimum radius of the curved surface.

Curve or Surf-Boundary Self-Intersect

Internal report comprising selfing curve, surface, or through the boundary surface boundaries trimmed. Selfing means at a curve or surface boundary than endpoints or more locations intersect itself.

Trimmed-Surf Boundary Intersect

Report trimmed surfaces meet the following criteria: Other boundary intersection (within the tolerance range provided in the text field) of its border with the same surface contained in.

Maximum Degree

Check the order value is greater than the specified value in the text field object.

Maximum Spans

Report contains the number of spans beyond specified in the text field value of a curve or surface.

Surface or Planar Curve Waviness

The number of reverse curvature over its entire length comprising a report (or surface width) exceeds the number of user-defined (in the change in the sign of curvature) of the curved surface curves or plane. The maximum allowed number of reverse curvature (default is 3) entered in the text field.

Allowed Inflections Per Span

Only when you enable the "Surface Curvature Waviness", will display this field. When this option is enabled, in addition to the total number of control allows the reverse curvature (see option a), it can be controlled in order to make the corrugated surfaces by testing each span the maximum allowable number of reverse curvature. The default is 1.

Normal Consistency

Inconsistent inspection surface normal direction of the surface normal direction adjacent.

Mass Properties

Quality characteristics of the display model (volume, surface area and center of gravity).

Quality characteristics Options

Volume, Surface Area and Centroid

Check the value to be displayed in the "Mass Properties Editor" window.


Describes a method selected surface or surfaces defined entities.

Solid - picked surfaces represent the boundary of the closed solid object.

Shell Interior - picking up the outer curved surface of the hollow shell is expressed (e.g., using a rotating bottle constructed surface model). "Thickness" option is used to specify the thickness of the shell.

Create a centroid point to create a centroid point mark in the scene. Tolerance

Mosaic subdivision surface is used to determine the quality properties.


Use "Shell Interior" option (see "Type") when the shell of uniform thickness. In this case, "Volume" corresponding to the volume of the shell, rather than the volume of the closed space. "Surface Area" corresponding to the sum of the internal and external surface area of ??the surface region.

Only when you enable the "Shell Interior", this option appears.

Mass properties editor

Area, Volume, and Centroid these fields display the results show the quality features you requested in the Options window calculation. Area Units linear unit to display the result. These correspond to the units provided in the main unit of the PreferencesConstruction Options. For example, if the unit is mm, the surface area in square millimeters. Volume Units volume unit to display the result. Centroid position of the centroid point. Save To File

Click this button to save the quality characteristics of the data to a text file.

Min/Max Curvature

Displaying a suite or a curvature surface of the minimum and maximum curvature point.

Minimum/maximum curvature options

Curvature Type

Selecting the calculated curvature values:

Mean - using the average of the two principal curvatures estimated mean curvature at each point.

Gaussian - two principal curvatures product.

Principle Minimum/Principle Maximum - minimum or maximum use curvature (i.e., using the steepest or flattest curvature of the curve through each point).

"Mean" and "Gaussian" option is most useful in the detection of surface irregularities. "Princ Min/Max" option is most useful when searching for reverse curvature point

Principle (principle, principle)

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