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After reading Crested Ibis last words, felt

Monday on March 23rd, 2020Other

This is a book review, after reading "Crested Ibis last words," my heart there is a sentiment, not its relationship with the content of the book, but this book about the background story, which is a longing for natural scenery, idyllic village of obsession, love of the simple life.

The book tells the story of a teacher all his life dedicated to the protection of Crested Ibis story, the story takes place in Japan, Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, the hero had participated in the war of aggression against the DPRK, retired after demobilization when the Sado local technical school teacher, then in order to protect endemic Birds - crested ibis, and running around. But with the development of social development, urbanization and tourism industries, natural environment for the survival of the crested ibis destruction, the use of pesticides in agriculture and narrow habitat range, leading to a steady decline in the number of crested ibis, and ultimately escape extinction fate.

These are the story line of the book, but after reading this book, I also love the natural scenery on the island of Sado book describes, as well as in a description of the ingredients, giving a quiet country life beautiful, natural simplicity the yearning. Even after going to experience some ideas here, after all, neither the book nor video images, only text only, attractive enough already. I do not know really well written author, translator or translation was wonderful, or the beauty of its own, beyond the text, the reader is presented directly to the brain out, and although the United States or its views but not far, just my own arbitrary Lenovo, far-fetched?

( "Crested Ibis last words" excerpt)

( "Crested Ibis last words" excerpt)

The book's Japanese crested ibis, after all, is extinct. But the good news is that China Qinling Mountains have crested ibis, Japanese and later the introduction of Reproduction, Sado Crested Ibis have a figure, it can be considered a relatively happy ending. So my childhood in firewood stove to make food, the fields of happy memories of it. For a time, I think of my childhood, about the pastoral, rural, fishing, swimming, climbing trees, for fish, hide and seek memories. These good memories, first with the end of childhood will no longer have a second as people transform nature, once the pond, trees, small ditch, haystack child gradually disappear, and no longer have.

Their home have their own love, written in the mid-2019 is about to finish off the tail.

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