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Comments on Indian TV series Buddha

Friday on March 20th, 2020Life

Recently, I have read Indian drama "Buddha", the show will now own views on the written text.

1 Origin

When I was in secondary school to go to work, someone asked me to help download micro-channel public number in the drama. I see a number in the public network disk is left of the link, so I save the play in the mobile browser on my network plate. Can the other party has repeatedly claimed that it is in the micro letter. Fortunately, I met this blind network. He also recommended I watch the show. So, when I downloaded good, and the drama passed him, and I left a copy. When he introduced me to the show, I became interested in the show. why? India and its predecessor, is a history of neglect country. It is said that India's understanding of their own history, is in accordance with the Xuanzang compiled the "Buddhist." Therefore, India shoot out "Buddha" this drama, it must be under a lot of effort. So I decided, you must see. But it dragged on for a long time to finish reading in recent days.

About 2 story

A total of 54 sets this drama, translated by three non-title group.

Whole story drama can be divided into two parts. The first half of Siddhartha childhood and before leaving home, and home practice experience. The second half is Siddhartha enlightenment, experience of saying to the public.

The show's plot has two controversial points.

First, the palace fight scene.

The show's Palace fight scene and I shot toward the palace fight scene different. I fight scene shot towards the palace, the emperor is to fight to the rivalry between the ladies of people content. The "Buddha," the palace fighting, mainly Yoshimitsu Devadatta's mother Mrs. Wang and her husband Gok rice, Yasodhar feel good king's father, who Shakya clan competition for the throne.

Shakya is a federal country, consists of a series of small-nation, the king of these small countries make up the Shakya clan Parliament, which is the federal leader in Kapilavastu Suddhodana king. Since the Shakya clan is a parliamentary, not the king absolute power, the king's member states need to accept criticism and questioning, while the Shakya clan leaders may be impeached and re-selection. This and other surrounding countries such as Magadha authoritarian exactly the opposite.

Based on this political basis, Yoshimitsu, cups of rice and its sub-king of the Shakya clan Devadatta then eyeing the throne, Yoshimitsu again and again trying to prevent Siddhartha future heir to the throne. Since the beginning of Maha Maya pregnancy, Yoshimitsu began its persecution. Siddhartha childhood showed extraordinary talent, Suddhodana favor of Siddhartha's a plus, all of Yoshimitsu caused a huge psychological shadow, she was to do her best, never let Devadatta the throne.

Overall, in front of the palace fighting plot is a bit bloated and trivial.

Second, the Buddha positioning.

The show in accordance with the Hindu point of view, the Buddha as "the ninth incarnation of Vishnu." This allows part of the audience can not accept.

Many people are aware that I looked, everything, all my quilt on towards style Marxist straitjacket. For scientific research, once with my style Marxist point of view towards the contrary, this study can not be carried out, for example, to explore the paranormal. For film and television work, once put on the straitjacket, the show is tantamount to not read, for example, I shot toward the horror film. If "Buddha" I looked at the shot, then the whole drama will be miserable.

So, some people will think that this show the Buddha as "the ninth incarnation of Vishnu," I will be like towards the same drama Three views is not correct. I read on the Internet about the post, some people looked after beginning to see this positioning, gave up to continue watching. However, after I watched the entire show, I found that this position does not have a negative impact on the show, or even see the shadow of the positioning. If we manually remove this obstacle of its own heart, look at the show, you will find it. If so, why should the show positioning of the Buddha, "the ninth incarnation of Vishnu," is it? I can not explain, the problem may only ask the director and screenwriter.

3 details of the judgment

The show portrayed very meticulous to detail. Here is a few examples.

(1) TV series theme song. Before the show and second halves of the theme song is not the same. Siddhartha sing the first part is the second half praise Buddha.

(2) the acting. I pay attention to people exchanges towards the mouth of the language, Americans are rich in body language, these two features in the corresponding exchange drama countries can see that. This Indian drama, though not rich body language, but the actors portray eyes and mental state is very detailed.

Important protagonist of the play, and later Siddhartha Buddha, acting is outstanding. I can not even find the right words to sum up his acting, simply can be called perfect.

The villain of the show, the most important thing is Yoshimitsu and the Devadatta. Yoshimitsu role has two actors, starting from the first set of 22 plays by the second actor. By comparison of the two actors acting can be seen, the first acting better Yoshimitsu, the twisted face human interpretation of the head. The second Yoshimitsu actor portrayed almost no eyes, etc., far worse than the first actor, whose tone of voice, etc. not as the first, but her performance on the whole is still pretty good.

There is also a place to shoot perfectly. In Abode Buddha monk often be guided meditation. And Devadatta split off Sangha, Devadatta then lying down to sleep in a position in front of the argument. This is the villain and positive role in stark contrast.

(3) rich story. For people do not read Buddhist scriptures to learn about the adventures of the Buddha it is generally from official publications. These publications, whether text or video works, not much description before Buddha monk, summed up: born in the royal family, enjoy the wealth and status, but the door out of the four corners of the world to see the ups and downs of this world so the germination of the idea of ??liberation. For people without profound life experiences, they will consider Siddhartha too hypocritical. The show is this part of the contents of a detailed supplement to avoid being these people poison mouth.

This inside story, in addition to Buddhist scriptures record, the other story, I think it is a fiction. After all, this is a drama, not a documentary, fiction is reasonably necessary.

Here's what I need to say towards film and television work. I looked for filming movies and TV series of historical events, there are some large number of fictional plot, especially in the war drama class. For part of history, or involving confidential or unable to face, and therefore will be fiction. For example, there is an officer in history, called Chu Gong. He later escaped and settled in Hong Kong, he wrote two books about his experiences during military service, after the return to the mainland in 1990, died at the age of 90, to hospice. But the drama of his alias "Gongchu Min", to be shot. Famous battles in history involves a number of military tactics, did not want to let the audience know, after changing into a movie, a lot of fictional plot to hide the real plot, which shows the CCTV movie channel are introduced. More distant historical events, fictional even more.

With similar, in "Buddha" this play will fictional plot, especially the dialogue between the hero. These fictional Lehe we see on the line, not as a real historical event to remember.

In addition, in this play, the plot of each episode are exciting, particularly good bedding, people stop to look back. Moreover, the argument to the public at the time of the Buddha, the background music so moving, the contents of the argument combined with the background music, people will be more people focused and moving.

(4) the details of the flaw. Part of this play special effects do not, been called "fifty cents effects." For example Siddhartha was born in Lumbini, the surrounding landscape looked very fake. There is one detail, some people may not notice. When Devadatta split off Sangha, Sariputta and Moggallana is in addition to the monk Devadatta and dialogue with the other monks to say, the same action is continuously clips into it three times.

4 tamper with history

Half before the show, there are a large number of fictional plot, this will not be judged. I said to distort history, it is for the second half.

In the Buddha's enlightenment, to the public after the argument, there are a lot of plot is tampered with real history. Can be described: what is this thing, but the time, place and so inconsistent with the true history. Here, I picked a few episodes for it.

(1) Ananda, a monk matter of time. In this play, the monk Ananda time, and Magadha Prince Adu Shi patricide usurper time approaching. This is wrong. A Dushi monk Ananda earlier than usurper, but also a certain time interval.

Why say that? This involves a plot of the play are not mentioned. When Ashe Shi usurped the throne, his father, King Bimbisara close to the palace in an attempt to starve to death, his mother Wei Tixi in order to give King Bimbisara meal, then washed himself, put honey paste applied to the body, dried after the visit to the underground palace of King, the body of the honey syrup to take down to the king to eat. Then the king said, Maudgalyayana are my friends, I hope he came to see me, give him Shoujie. Maudgalyayana use supernatural powers to perceive, re-use supernatural powers to the underground palace, the king Shoujie. Wei Tixi the FA she Society for the ceremony to the rise of the mountain direction, with a request Buddha Moggallana and Ananda went to see her. One of the important Jodo sect of Buddhism after Buddha perceived classic, three use supernatural forces rushed to the palace, as Wei Tixi argument, talking about the law is well-known: "The Amitayurdhyana Sutra." After Wei Tixi to say, they rise FA she returned Society Hill, the other monk Ananda to repeat the verses.

(2) A Dushi disillusioned way. Play, Edu Shi for his lover to follow Buddha Temple mother pear done nuns and endless suffering, finally wake up, look for the Buddha for his argument. The truth is, after Devadatta hell, Ashe Shi Wang and his conscience, heart repentance, but it was too late, the body covered with a malignant sore, foul smell harder and harder. Brahman is no cure, doctors Qipo when the time to see the doctor, told Edu Shi, only Buddha can cure his disease; at night, A Dushi father's soul back, told E Dushi: Buddha will Miedu, and we should as soon as possible He went to the Buddha, otherwise there is no chance (original words not the case, but the meaning is the case). Then A Dushi Meet the Buddha, the Buddha as he cured the disease, and granted him a five precepts, from A Dushi became king mostly from Buddhism. After Nirvana Buddha, when Ananda and other disciples gathered Buddhist, there is a lot of build-up is carried out in the Magadha Rajgir.

Death (3) of Devadatta. Does the body out of the play Devadatta blood, a lot of broken harmony describe monk, but there is a certain degree of error, nor Detailed description Devadatta hell. About Devadatta, want to say too much, too much information online, if you are interested can check it yourself.

Of course there are many other circumstances is wrong. Such as location Sutan Da Buddha and debate, the number of people and followers of the way, so much more. In this limited space, but also limited their knowledge, not too much narrative.

5 missing plot

TV space is limited, it is impossible to have carried out about all the circumstances, but for years the Buddha Fa important those circumstances, there is no part of it focuses on, not even about. The four of them said.

(1) Nianhua smile. The play, Nianhua smile plot, just a short memories when talking to the Buddha and Ananda. In fact the story is extremely important. When Buddha Nianhua smile, only Mahk?yapa can understand, the Buddha said:. "I have Zhengfayancang, Nirvana wonderful heart candlestick, with no reality, subtle Dharma, do not stand writing, teaching outside Biography" Mahk?yapa It became the ancestor of Zen. This is a well-known history, there's no play is important to mention, I feel sorry.

(2) the Buddha Wei Tixi statement. This I have described above.

(3) other content about the Buddha Buddha, never mentioned in the play. For example, the Buddha about the "Lotus Sutra - Bodhisattva Universal Door," Buddha ascend tryastri??a for the mother say "Jizo by the willing", and so on and so on.

(4) Nirvana Buddha, during the cremation, his mother Maha Maya arrived on the scene from tryastri??a, I heard that the Buddha to his mother, begins with gold coffin sat for the mother saying to filial piety. This episode is not mentioned in the play.

Other important but not mentioned in the details of the play, I will not too much narrative. Personally, I think the show should be reduced component of the first half, increase the weight of the second half, which would put more details into the Buddha Fa added.

Evaluation of six pairs of subtitles group

Subtitle translation is very good, for some strange concept also conducted science. For captions folk group formed by self-organized network, can do this very easily, it can be said to be very hard. Although subtitles group later disbanded, but their contribution to the translation of the play to make is always there.

Those are the views of critics, thank you for your patience to read, I hope you can leave your opinion in the comments area.

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